Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring has sprung

Wonderful Weeks and Even Better Weekends!
As the weather warms up life just seems to keep getting better for us here in South Korea. Life has been beautiful for the past couple of weeks due to the smiles on our students faces, spring blossoms in full bloom, pure fear felt on solid korean granite, the forest’s coming alive with wildlife and the lovely spring typhoons bringing happiness in the form of waves along South Korea’s east coast. High lights over the past couple of weeks have been watching spring come along, climbing and eating amazing food in Cheoncheon, preparing our wonderful students for their mid term tests and enjoying warm lazy evenings around Wonju!

Spring is here!

It has been gorgeous watching the dramatic changes occurring over Koreas mountainous landscape in the past few weeks. When we first arrived we had never seen an area looks so dull and dead. It was almost as though no life (apart from human life) existed in this area. It was either covered in snow or dead, brown and dusty. Boy how this has changed! Korea is coming alive faster than ever! New bird species have been spotted, snakes are coming out from their burrows to bathe in the suns glory, deer are rustling in the woods and the squirrels are getting up to mischief in the trees! Blossoms cover trees like blankets of snow and new life is spurting out of the earth on all angles… Indeed its a beautiful and interesting time to be strolling though the woods… YAY spring!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Your Crazy!!

Check out this KWOW video to learn how to say “your crazy” in Korean…quite a helpful phrase for teaching and socialising :D

Linked up

We have started a new blog about Korea - click here. We will be posting on this blog and the tumblr account going forward....